Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Paulinian Hearts 2013

There are a few who are expecting the next segment of Paulinian Hearts. Paulinian Hearts is the title that I have assigned to my accounts of reunions by alumni of Saint Paul's Academy.
I wish I could write a new version since SPA had its alumni homecoming this May 1, 2013. Unfortunately,  I was not able to make a whole day attendance to the event due to my very limited time. Based on my two hour attendance, I can only share very little.

Note Number 1.
The Tree Planting Joke.
There were a lot of seedlings to plant but a few came early to participate in the planting. In addition, there's not much space to be planted. When everyone was tired and every accessible space got a seed while a couple of seedlings are still in the crates, somebody uttered, let us do the real tree planting, we put tree, as in three, seedlings in a hole. Hehehe... Somebody was quick to answer, aw ta asi en paynotan. Of course, the later statement can only be fathomed by carrot growers.

Note Number 2.
Ghost story experience at SPA in the 80's- Revealed Truth

There was one night time in the 80's when the school bell repeatedly echoed its sound. The dormitorians quickly checked who is playing with the bell. They saw no one. A ghost may be. They panicked with the chill from a ghost experience. The truth? One naughty Paulinian attached a very lengthy knot to the bell such that the ringing can be triggered from the far Celo Haight Elementary School vicinity... Who is the naughty Paulinian?

Note Number 3.
The Cutting of the Alnos Tree at the Quadrangle & the 2-man Saw

Under Fr. Jose's supervision, a group of Paulinians are to cut down the famous Alnos Tree at the quadrangle. Fr. Jose instructed one Paulinian to get the 2-man saw from an identified place. After a few minutes, the Paulinian turned out with 2 "maso". hehe. 2-man saw is understood as 2 masos. Then, somebody's ear needed a twisting... Who is the Paulinian?