Friday, September 25, 2015

itdo means to point or to teach

The Kankanaey word "itdo" has two common meanings.
Depending on the context, itdo may mean to teach or it may mean to point.

Umitdo ka kod. = please teach me.

Itdom kod di kad-an di ba-ey yo. = Will you please point to where your house is.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Published Thought on the Mother Tongue

One's mother tongue is significant factor of one's identity.  When one participates in social activities driven by one's mother tongue, one carves his/her identity. Such an identity makes one a significant social being.

Everyone can define his identity through a ,other tongue.  Everyone has been bestowed an ability to acquire language.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Language Acquisition by a Child

How does a child acquire a language:
There is a school of thought posited by cognitive scientists that every child/person has inherent blueprint of language.  The child is genetically assigned a language faculty.  However, exposure and/or training is needed for the child to develop his/her language.