Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Rants from a Baguio City Resident Nowadays

1. Baguio is over populated. Single is life.

2. The number of cars that traverse the city during entry and exit hours is greater than the capacity of the road network Walking is life but Gas musk is life.

3. Everything is owned by someone. There is no public property because fences are everywhere.

The 90's Students from the Highlands.
1.  Awanen Dangwa Bus.
2. Awanen Kalinga Oranges.

Freshmen of the k-12 generation.

Yes, they are older than our age when we started university life.
Yes, most of them are fast food babies such that many of them look bigger than our sizes when were their age.

Random Thought

Skill Requirements for Today's Survival
1. Driving
2. Medical Care
3. Cultivating Sayote in the backyard

Driving skill is a must.  I never thought that it will be that necessary until these days. There are moments when you need to accompany your weak folks to the clinic or elsewhere.  With no driving ability ( and of course no access to a car) such activity is very difficult.

Thanks for the current technology.  There are digital blood pressure readers.  Still, the manual process may be more convincing.

Well, it may be a different case for one who is a medical practitioner.

Harvesting Sayote can bring a fortune. It is currently the crop that requires the least capital and outlay.


Dale'ing refers to Dale's act of exploring the world with the purpose of unlocking and applying theoretical frameworks. It is a term suggested by a group that recently hosted my reality check venture.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

word/phrase semantics

[Item number] [Language] [Word/Phrase] [English Translation/Meaning]
[1] [Kanakanaey] [namaga] [lost]
[2] [Tagalog] [namaga] [bloated]
word/phrase semantics

[Item number] [Language] [Word/Phrase] [English Translation/Meaning]
[1] [Kanakanaey] [nalaw'lawa'] [became ugly/undesirable]
[2] [Ilocano] [nalaw'la'wa] [wider]