Sunday, May 31, 2020


Kosto is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means correct or enough.



For unknown reason, kukuwasit has been integrated to a Kankanaey dialect as a word that means "insanity".

Waday kukuwasit na di. = He/She is insane.


Amay-am is a one-word sentence in a Kankanaey dialect which semantically translates to "take it easy" or "be careful".  It is usually given by an elder as an advice to someone who is going through an extra-ordinary venture.

The same word is used for the same purpose in the Ibaloi dialect.

Am-amay-am ta adi ma-iwasit. (Kankanaey) = Be very careful so that it will not be thrown away.

Saturday, May 30, 2020


pagat is a word in a Kankanaey dialect for why.
Pagat? = Why? 


into is a word in a Kankanaey dialect word for where.

Intoy kad-am. Where are you?

Thursday, May 28, 2020


inayad is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means slow.

man-inayad means to go slow.


bok-ong is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means hunchback.

nabok-ong means with a hunchback.


bogaw is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means shout.

manbogaw means to shout.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020


na-isawigit is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means falling/thrown due to going out of balance.

na-isawigit sisya. = He was thrown as he went out if balance.


alibegbeg is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which refers to the feeling of numbness.

alibegebeh is commonly  shortened to begbeg.

na-alibegbeg = nabegbeg = felt numb.


Bay-an is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means to leave alone/ not to mind.

Bay-anem pay sa. = You leave that one = You forget about that.

Bay-anem = Bay-am


Ta-uli is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means to return/to go back.

manta-uli = will return
nanta-uli = returned

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

naskok ( nosokok)

naskok is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means barred (i.e. forbidden from moving away ).

naskok = nasokok

Naskok kami, adi kami makabela. =  We are barred, we cannot go out.


bo-ot is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which refers to molds.

Nanbo-ot di banga tan nabayag ay adin na-us-usal. = The pot has molds because it was not used for a long time.


Mansana-ang is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which regers to a sour-bitter-hot feeling. In the context of eating, mansana-ang refers to the taste of pepper. In the context of health, mansana-ang is used to describe the feeling when alcohol is poured/applied in a skin cut. Mansana-ang may also be used to describe the feeling when your stomach feels empty and that you are towards the act of vomiting.

Monday, May 25, 2020


Piskaw is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means dried fish.


Bage' in a Kankanaey dialect means mushroom.

Sunday, May 24, 2020


Wakes is a Kankanaey dialect word for the waist/waistline.


Agag is a Kankanaey dialect word which means hurry.

Man-agag = to be in a hurry

Man-a-agag=Being in a hurry.

Saturday, May 23, 2020


Nalabsan is a Kankanaey dialect word which means skipped over.


Patang' is a Kankanaey dialect word which means to put on top.

Ipatang mo sin lami-sa-an. = Put it on top of the table.


Uta is a Kankanaey dialect word which means vomit.

Maka-ut-uta ak, mansakit di toktok ko. = I feel like vomiting, I have a headache.


Mankiyagang is a Kankanaey dialect word which means clear environment. Mankiyagang is the opposite of dark.

Magay ma-ila ay libo-o, mankiyagang ed daya. = No clouds are visible, the sky is clear.

Friday, May 22, 2020


Paladdan is a Kankanaey dialect word which means to take a risk.

Paladdan, asi uway nasdi. = I will take a risk, come what may.


Enta is a Kankanaey one-word sentence which translates to let us go.

Enta man-ames. = Let us go and take a bath.
Enta mangan. = Let us go and eat.


Ma-amsit is a Kankanaey dialect word which means tasteless/not delicious.

Mam-is is the antonym of ma-amsit.

Thursday, May 21, 2020


Awak is a Kankanaey dialect word which means body.

Estem san awak mo. = Take care of your body.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020


To-og is a Kankanaey (same with Ibaloi dialect) dialect word which means lie.


Togtog is a Kankanaey dialect word which means to knock.

Mantogtog ka kod. = Will you try to knock.

Togtogem. = You knock. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Si mamingsan

Si mamingsan (also, sin mamingsan), is a phrase in a Kankanaey dialect which is used to be excused from an invitation. Si mamingsan means "in another time".


Aw, in a Kankanaey dialect, means yes.


Langtay, in a Kankanaey dialect, refers to a bridge.


Suba, in a Kankanaey dialect, refers to the backyard of a house.

Sunday, May 17, 2020


Boliweswes is a Kankanaey dialect word which means to spin.

Manboliwewes din natoklo ay bola. = The rounded ball spins.


Mansoyosoy is a Kankanaey dialect word which means breezy.

Mansoyosoy sin toktok di dontog. = It is breezy at the top of the mountain.

Saturday, May 16, 2020


Mankilat is a Kankanaey dialect word which means white.

Mankilat di bo-ok mo. = Your hair is white.


Nalitaw is a Kankanaey dialect word which means lost.

Nalitaw din pilak ko. = My money got lost.


Mansekad is a Kankanaey dialect word which means to stamp.

Sekad di iyat mo ay mandan. = Stamping is your way of walking.

Friday, May 15, 2020


Amayem? ( same as Emeyam?) is a Kankanaey one-word interogative sentence which translates to "Where are you going?"

To-an pay sa

To-an pay sa (also, Taw-an pay sa) is a Kankanaey dialect phrase that may mean "whatever it is" or "whatever happened" or "I know nothing about that".

Wednesday, May 13, 2020


Namap-eng is a Kankanaey dialect word which means bounded/stopped or barred from going further.

Nap-engan is a synonym of namap-eng.

Enggay adin umando din mula, namap-eng di gabay na. = The plant will not become longer, its growth stopped.


Mansese-ed is a Kankanaey dialect word which means awaiting.

Mansese-ed das iwalas da ay makan. = They are waiting for food that will be distributed.

Nanse-ed = waited.


Namga-an is a Kankanaey dialect word which means dried.

Namga-an din bilag. = The laundry is dried.


Lante is a Kankanaey dialect word which refers to hailstone.

Nanlante = There was hailstone.

Sunday, May 10, 2020


Saka-ang is a Kankanaey dialect word which means to spread open the legs.

Saka-ang may also be used to objects that are forming the picture of open legs, for example, branches of trees that approximates two open legs.

Mansaka-ang means to do the act of spreading the legs 

Mansaka-ang ka kod. Ipulag ko nan bola.= Please spread your legs. I will let this ball roll.

Saturday, May 9, 2020


Na-ikilang is a Kankanaey dialect word which means fried.


Na-ikilang din mani.= The peanuts are fried.


Nakdeng is a Kankanaey dialect word which means finished.

Nakdeng di tempo di egew. = The dry season is finished.

Nakdeng din am-amagek. = I finished what I was doing.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

The potential positive side

One popular TV channel in the Philippines went off the air. Then, the billion peso advertising industry is said to have made a fall. Should this not mean better for the millions of ordinary consumers? Less advertising cost should transform to lesser prices of commodities. Afterall, consumers have already known their brands.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020


Daga-ang is a Kankanaey dialect word which means hunger.

Mandaga-ang is a Kankanaey dialect word which means hungry.

Na-uwat is a Kankanaey synonym of Mandaga-ang. Nauwat means hungry.


Egew is a Kankanaey dialect word which means dry season.

Na-egew is a Kankanaey dialect word which is used to describe the weather after a storm or after the rain.

Nakdeng di udan, na-egew. The rain has passed, there's no rain.

Linmayaw di pewek, na-egew. The storm went away, there's no storm.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Mansiwang means to roam around in Kankanaey.

Mansiwang is a Kankanaey dialect word which means to roam around.

Ameyak mansiwang ed nem-a.= I will go and roam around in the fields.

Pa'tang means chin in Kankanaey.

Pa'tang is a Kankanaey dialect word that refers to the chin.

Ando di patang na. = His/her chin is elongated.

Patang' = If the stress is on the second syllable, the word means to put on top.

Ipatang' mo sin lamisa-an. = Put it on top of the table.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Yegyeg is a Kankanaey dialect word which means earthquake.

Kayeg is a synonym of yegyeg in the Kankanaey language.

manyegyeg. = mankayeg. = There's an earthquake.

Titit is a Kankanaey dialect word which means bird.

Ad-ado di titit. =There are many birds.

Friday, May 1, 2020

kimit is a Kankanaey dialect word which means to close the eyes

Nankimit ka. = You closed your eyes.
Nankikimit ka? = Are your eyes closed?
kimitem kod san matam. = Will you please close your eyes.