Friday, July 31, 2020


Layaw is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means "go away".
Lumayaw = to go away


Ta-uli is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means return.
Manta-uli = to return.

manbalanga = red

Manbalanga is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which refers to the color red.

mankilat = white

Mankilat is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which refers to the color white.

natuling = black

Natuling is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means the color black.

Thursday, July 30, 2020


Dawat' is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means give.

mandawat' = to give
man-idawat' = to give


Se-ed is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means wait.

manse-ed = to wait


Nabay-an is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means "left behind"/"left over".


A'ngat is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means anger.

man-a'ngat= to get angry


Naabos is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means "nothing is left".

Wednesday, July 29, 2020


E'tek is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means lie.

E'tek na kadi. = She/He is lying for sure.


Tet-ewa is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means truth/true.

Sino di tet-ewa? = Sinoy tet-ewa?= What is the truth?
Tet-ewa sa. = That is true.


Li'bo is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means thousand.
Sin-libo = one thousand


Gasot is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means hundred.

sin-gasot = sing-gasot= one hundred.
esa'y gasot = esa ay gasot = one hundred
lima'y gasot = lima ay gasot = five hundred


Salapi' is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means 50 centavos. Salapi is sometimes used to figuratively mean 50.


Bintin is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means 25 centavos. Bintin is sometimes used to figuratively mean 25.


Balkeg is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means 5 centavos. Balkeg is sometimes used to figuratively mean 5.


Pilak' is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means money.


Gameng is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means wealth.  Gameng is sometimes used as a substitute to the "pilak" which means money.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020


Kitot is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which refers to a last child among children in a family.


iyugtan or iyubtan is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which generally refers to a younger sibling or younger person.


Pangu-an is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which generally refers to an older sibling or an older person.

Pang-panguan = eldest among children


Dagem is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means wind.
mandagem = windy.


Udan is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means rain.

man-udan = to rain


Takdo is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which refers to an "accompanying thing".

Takdo-am kod si esa ay kilo ay asukal. = Please include a kilo of sugar with it.


Sakobo is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means cover.

Sakobo-am san palato. = You cover that plate.

Sunday, July 26, 2020


Sokod is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which refers to a cane that is used as an aid by a person who has a difficulty in walking.


Bang-ge' is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which refers to anything that is worn around the neck (example. necklace)


Bosal is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means gag.


Bosa-ang is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which refers to pig.

Ad-ado di bosa-ang yo. = You have many pigs.


Oken is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which refers to a young dog/puppy.

Ok-oken = baby dog.


Mokang is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which refers to a young pig.


Ka-ong is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which refers to an aged pig.


Namaltak seems to be an adjective in an Ibaloi dialect which means bulky/with a big body.

maga met ah

"Maga met ah" is a phrase in a Kankanaey dialect which translates to "no, it is not, please."

Saturday, July 25, 2020


maga' is a word in a Kankanaey dialecy which means none.

maga' has the same meaning as iwed.


Deng-nge' is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means listen.

mandeng-nge = to listen
nadnge = heard


Dawat' is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means give.

i'dawat' = to give
na-i'dawat' = given

Gendat na or Gandat na

Gendat na ( or Gandat na ) is a phrase in a Kankanaey dialect that figuratively translates to "It is its nature".  It is hiven as a remark in order to assure someone that what is happening is nothing to worry about since it is a usual occurrence.


Mongsan is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means "to take all"/"to have all of something".

Minongsan moy suwelte. = You got all the luck.

Friday, July 24, 2020


Ba'da'ng is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means help.

Binnadang = The community culture of helping each other.

Home is always the best place to go to.

The parameter of everyone's life may have been set. Not everything that you want to happen will happen.


Tinmungaw is a term used by people of Benguet, Philippines to mean a spirit who is taking charge or overseeing a certain area.


Kabunian is a term in most parts of  the cordillera region in the Philippines that refers to "God", the creator, the ruler and the owner of all.

Thursday, July 23, 2020


Layaw is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means to go away.

lumayaw = to go away
linmayaw = went away


Taynan is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means "left behind".

nataynan = was left behind.

Tinaynan da ka. = They left you behind.


Bo-ot is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which refers to "molds".

Nabo-otan = has molds


Mandeges' is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which refers to "strong rain"/ "pouring rain".

Oway nas di

Oway nas di is a sentence in a Kankankanaey dialect which translates to "Come what may".

When uttered with sincerity by someone whose goal is to emphatize with someone, "Oway Nas Di" is actually meant as a prayer. "Oway nas di" figuratively translates to "The Almighty will take charge, the Lord will take care of you/us."

Wednesday, July 22, 2020


Piga is a one-word interrogative sentence in a Kankanaey dialect which translates to "How much?" or "How many?"

Sagpipiga= How much does each cost?


Natikaw is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means confused.


Sadot is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means lazy.
sinmadot = got lazy.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020


Panateng is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means sickness/flu.
manpanateng = sick/having a flu.


Daga-ang is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means hunger.
mandaga-ang = hungry

Monday, July 20, 2020


Ngalatan is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means agreement. Ngalatan is a synonym of Tulagan.


Ngalat is a word in a Kankanaey which means conversation.

Nan-ngalat kayo? = Did you make a conversation?


Lalat is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means leather.

Lalat san badom.  =  Your clothing is made of leather.


Nakig-alan is an adjective word in a Kankanaey dialect which means thin/skinny.


Nabakes is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which refers to an aged woman.


Nakay is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which refers to an aged man.

sida in Kankanaey

Sida is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which refers to the traditional indigenous party in the Cordillera region of the Philippines where at least one pig is buthchered for the community to partake.

sida = canao = kanyaw


Natken is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means "not the one".

Natken sa = That is not the one.

Sunday, July 19, 2020


Na-ingpis is an adjective in a Kankanaey dialect which means thin/not thick.


Nalusong is an adjective in a Kankanaey dialect which means deep.


Nalipit is an adjective in a Kankanaey dialect which means narrow/not wide.


A'nawa is an adjective in a Kankanaey dialect which means wide.

ana-anawa = very wide
an-anawa = wider

Saturday, July 18, 2020


Baktad is a root verb in a Kankanaey dialect which means to lie down.


Pika is a root verb in a Kankanaey dialect which means to stand.

Friday, July 17, 2020


Tamtam is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means taste.

Lamat = lamatan = to taste


Te-e is a root verb in a Kankanaey dialect which means to stay home or to take care someone at home.

Mantete-e= Mante-e = staying home
Nantete-e = Stayed home


Ando is an adjective in a Kankanaey dialect which means long.
Ando-ando = very long.
An-ando = longer.


Aptik is an adjective in a Kankanaey dialect which means short.

Apti-aptik = very short.
Ap-aptik = shorter


Sid-ip is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means to peep/to peek.


Kolong is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means to trap or to detain.

Na-i-kolong = trapped/detained.
Na-i-balod may be a synonym of na-i-kolong.

Thursday, July 16, 2020


Tabon is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means hide.
mantabon= to hide.


Tagtag is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means run.

mantagtag = managtag = to run

Wednesday, July 15, 2020


Pitil is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which refers to the warts that usually grow on the toes and fingers.


Bayang is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which refers to skin lesions or any wound on the skin that is in the process of healing.


Kisaw is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which refers to the facial skin problem which is characterized by white rashes.


Gilgil is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which refers to the skin blisters that is caused by the cold whether.

Nagilgil= has/have skin blisters

Tuesday, July 14, 2020


Tagibi is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means "adopted".

tINagabi da din moyang. = They adopted the baby.


Layad is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means love. It may also mean happiness or like.

Layad ko en sik-a = My love for you.
Manla-layad = feeling happy
Layden da ka. = He/She likes you.
Laydek sik-a = I like you.


Na-ey is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which may be a one-word sentence that translates to "Here, it is.".

As a word, na-ey means here.

Na-ey kami. = Here we are.
Na-ey da. = Here they are.

Help us dear Lord (Hidden due to "no consent")

Perishable gift from generous friends


Cacti are pricey. Why?

Pag dan nasibisibitan ngem peteg di layad ipugaw en daida. = They are full of thorns yet they are well loved by the people. 

 Baka man-idawat da iman si suwerte. = They may be ushers of luck.

Sunday, July 12, 2020


Gabot is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means uproot. man-gabot = to uproot man gabot si carrot = to uproot/harvest carrot. man-gabot si radish = to uproot/harvest radish.


So-an is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which refers to the simple tool ( a sharpened wooden stick or a short pointed steel) that is used to dig soil for the purpose of gathering rootcrops such as potatoes and sweet potatoes.


Manbeka is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which refers to the act of harvesting sweet potatoes.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

kakat = kat

Kakat, or the shortened form kat, is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means to bite.

man-kakat=man-kat = can bite

House birds

Titit is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which refers to a bird.

House birds are dropping by the window to say hello.


Bagang is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which refers to the neck. In the Tagalog language, bagang refers to one of the teeth.


Eeleng, also called eeng, is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which refers to the nose.


Palpal-aking is a Kankanaey word which refers to the minimus finger/smallest finger.


Ket-eng is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means to age.

Naket-eng = aged

na-om = naya-om

Na-om, a shortened form of naya-om, is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means ripe.

Friday, July 10, 2020


Baken is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means "not the one".
Baken sik-a. = It is not you.
Baken sisya. = It is not him/her.
Baken da-ida. = It is not them.


Sadot is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means lazy. However, sadot can also mean sad.

Nasasadot= very lazy
Mansasadot = feeling sad


Nabanol is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means pricey/costly/expensive.


Manka'li (the stressed is in ka) is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means to harvest potatoes. In general, it refers to the act of harvesting rootcrops such as potatoes and sweet potatoes.


Kali' is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means talk.
man-kali' = to talk

Bogaw = Begaw

Bogaw or begaw is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means shout.

man-bogaw = man-begaw = to shout.


Olakis is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means scream.

man-olakis = to scream


Ayasak is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means whisper.

man-ayasak = to whisper.


Kebkeb is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which refers to heartbeat. It is a metaphor for feeling nervous.

Mankebkeb = To have strong hearbeats or to feel nervous.

Thursday, July 9, 2020


Danda-ni' is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means almost.

Danda-ni' ay makdeng. = Almost finished.


Da-an is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means not yet.

Dada-an = da-an


Wednesday, July 8, 2020


Na-abos is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means "out of stock" or "nothing is left".

Na-abos di lako da. = They have no more merchandise.


Palit is an adjective in a Kankanaey fialect which means expensive. However, due to the strong influence of the Ilocano language, Kankanaey speakers are now using the word nangina to mean expensive. In addition, palit may also mean prohibited or forbidden.



Sa-a is a root verb in a Kankanaey dialect which means to go home.
Suma-a ta = Let us(you and I) go home.
Suma-a tako = Let us (all of us) go home.
Sin-ma-a = went home.

Peaceful home

project with a fund earned for almost my lifetime

half tunnel of the halsema highway

The hospital that gave my second life

panagsasaradon di patatas

be-ey da ama

Tuesday, July 7, 2020


Nas-et is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means "well-done" or "well-made"


Mantitinnek is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which means "There are droplets of rain"/ "It is starting to rain."

Due to the strong influence of the Ilocano language, Kankanaey speakers in this modern time use man-arbis as a substitute to mantitinnek .

Sunday, July 5, 2020


Padanga is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which refers to the shoulder.


Kitong is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which refers to the forehead.


Galumot is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which refers to the fingers.


Palinsisingan is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which refers to the finger where a ring is traditionally worn.


Palpal-ama is a word in a Kankanaey dialect which refers to the thumb.

Baguio AT Dusk

We, people from the Cordilleras, always give the highest form of honor to our parents and folks.

As nice as the harvest, family get together should never wait.

Actually, I can do hard labor.

I always want to go home.

Sina pay di ili mi.

Sometimes the abundant harvest cannot be compensated because farmers are paid far short of the capital outlay.

Hands are shared in the rural farming community of Benguet.

Cabbages are nurtured for 3 months before having the best forms.

The difficulty of flower farming is the contrast of the beauty of the petals.

I am going to the farm to get some freshy air