Tuesday, December 28, 2021

kadondontogan = mountainous area

Nem-a ay namula-an si Carrot ( Farm that is planted with Carrots)


Mansakdo (Kankanaey Word) = to fecth (e.g. to fetch water) Mansaksakdo = fetching water

Notes Related to Computer Science

On representing strings. Computer Science MATHEMATICS: S = set of strings of the form bxbybzbsbt where b is the symbol b, x is an element of the set {a,e,i,o,u), y is an element of the set {a,e,i,o,u), z is an element of the set {a,e,i,o,u), s is an element of the set {a,e,i,o,u), and t is an element of the set {a,e,i,o,u) = {bababababa, bababababe, ..., babebibobu, ... , bububububu} UNIX Because ? is a wildcard notation for a single valid character, assuming that a,e,i,o,u are the only valid characters: S =b?b?b?b?b?= {bababababa, bababababe, ..., babebibobu, ... , bububububu} T = b??b??b??b??b??={baabaabaabaabaa, ..., beebeebeebeebee, ... baebeibeebiebie, ...buubuubuubuubuu} Because * is a wildcard notation for a sequence zero or more valid characters , assuming that a,e,i,o,u are the only valid character: b* ={b, ba, baa, baaa, baaaa, ...., bieieie, buuuuuuuuuu}

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Kankanaey terms for harvesting major vegetable crops from the farms of Benguet Province Philippines

man'ka'li' --> to harvest potatoes man'kul'ta' --> to harvest cabbages man'ga'bo't --> to harvest carrots/radish man'bo'las --> to harvest peas/strawberries/chayote

Wada-ak sina ed nasdem. Inmali-ak asak nanta-uli.

I was here yesterday. I came then I returned.

December 27, 2021

Ag-agsapa yan man-meg-is. (It is early morning yet it is drizzling.) Kaman waday pewek ay umal-ali. (It seems there is a storm that is coming.)

Technical Terms (Computer Science)

Gigabyte refers to the number that is about 10 raised to 9 = 10000000000 = about 2 raised to 30 Exabyte refers to the number that is about 10 raised to 18 = about 2 raised to 60 Today's memory rentention strategy (Warning! Corny) XYZ: Exabyte ka ba? Debutant: Bakit? XYZ: Kasi, you have been raised to 18 years of existence.

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Technical Terms in Computer Science

Review Notes: 1. Bash does not suggest negativity if you are from the Computer Science community. Bash is a keyword in the field of Operating Systems. It comes from "Bourne Again SHell". 2. MAN is also a keyword in Operating Systems. You will never get lost with a MAN because MAN means MANual. 3. In the filed of Operating Systems, The pound is more powerful than the dollar. The dollar sign $ is for any ordinary user. The pound sign # is for the administrator. 4. who u make sense when u is preceded by -. (Hence, who -u) But wait! Little Knowledge is Dangerous. We need to know more.

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Sinoy din-ngem si gait mo? (Remembering ironic statements that were addressed to me)

For some reason, in my dreams last night, I was reminded about what some people told me along the way.... 1. "You are too good to be true!" ??? --> Reason why I was not considered :) 2. "You are very talented!" ??? --> A colleague and a classmate, who usually refers to my academic notes, because I usually get the best score in the exams, told me so, when I said I cannot do anything artistic because I have no talent at all. 3. "If only you grew taller, you are perfect!" --> When I was rushing to go to work when I was then a young professional, an on-looker stopped me just to say such as I was passing by.

Friday, December 10, 2021

Tapin din in-baga di esa ay ipugaw ( Excerpt of what was said by one person)

Di peteg ay ka-i-langan tako edwani yan sukatan dadin gura ya gulo, dadin pumuwison ay pitek ay isawsawang nan ma-us-usar ay pandanan di damag, kaman din internet si komputer ya selpon, dadin baken tet-ewa ay ibagbagan di odom ay ipugaw sin odom ay ili, ta wat da pay bumaknabaknang asi tako pay wat kumaka-ka-asi. Siyat takon ipakat di siged ay amag. Pati-en tako ay wada pay lang di siged sinan lobong ta waday iyat tako ay sumiged.

Monday, December 6, 2021

Parts of the Body in Kankanaey

(Inspired by a social media post seen today) bo-ok = hair kitong = forehead mata = eye eleng = nose bab-a = tooth song-song = mouth tepek = mouth padanga = shoulder eges = abdomen wakes = waist puweg = knee siki = foot mokling = ankle galumot = fingers takkay = hand inga = ear teged = back of neck bagang = neck pagew = chest kilikili = armpit edeg = back poyong = thigh bosoy = calf muscle dapan = toe taglang = ribs

Sunday, December 5, 2021


Akgo (Kankanaey Dialect) = a small food basket that is usually used for serving cooked food especially sweet potatoes


Koli (Kankanaey Dialect) = jar used for storing/aging native rice wine