Sunday, May 8, 2022

Benguet State University

9 May 2022 5:30AM - I went to Precinct 0030A Joined the Queue for a little more than 1 hour. 6:55 AM - Admitted inside voting area 7:00 AM - Done with the

Products from Quirino Province

When my friend posted some goodies from Quirino Province, I did not hesitate to place an order. Who knows? the harvest may have came from the land that my family once owned. I remember, when I was just a kid, my parents brought me along to a place somewhere in the boundary of Quirino Province and Nueva Vizcaya. Fruits were abundant there then. Avocado fruits are just falling on the ground. Jackfruits are here and there. Bananas in quality sizes are at 10 cents per piece, pineapples are expensive at 1 peso per piece, the rivers are full of edible creatures. For some reason that I did not understabd as a kid, my father gave up the ownership of an acre of fertile soil.

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Transliteration of a an Ibaloi Song that I heard on a Mother's Day

Ever since I was a baby. My mama not on my side. It’s because of her work in a place that is far away. She said it is for our life to be better. I cannot forget when I bid goodbye. I was so devastated. I have been counting the hours, since you have left me to fall. I cannot account the number of years that has passed. Mama, when will you be, be returned here beside us? Mama, please come home. I missed you so much. My father, he has been whom I have been with. He was the one who became my mother. He has been accompanying me, he has been watching over me, until these days when I am a grown-up. I have envied other kids. They have been with their mother and father. But my father said, my child, do not worry. We will be complete just the same. Mama, when will you be, be returned here beside us? Mama, please come home. I missed you so much. Mama, when will you be, be returned here beside us? Mama, please come home. I missed you so much. I missed you so much.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022


man-tidla (Kankanaey) = to stick out one's tongue as a way to express disliking


tuma(Kankanaey) = lice, lice on dirty fabrics that have not been subjected to washing


bulgang (Kankanaey) = lazy guy, guy who is doing nothing but drink and standby other lazy people, trouble maker in public


da'mo (Kankanaey) = first, beginning time


iniga-an (Kankanaey) = did not like, disapproved, disagreed


na-i-law-an (Kankanaey) = "regretfully done", done by mistake