Saturday, July 27, 2019

Mangan tako

"Mangan tako" transliterates to "Let us eat". It should be understood, however, as an invitation. Hence, it should mean "Come on, let us eat".


"Entako" is a short for "Amey/Emey tako" which means "Let us go."

Aw adi

"Aw adi" is a Kankanaey sentence (used in some parts of Benguet) to mean "Yes, it is okay" or simply "yes".  Kankanaeys from some parts of Benguet find the sentence absurd because "aw" alone means "yes" and "adi" alone means "no" such that "aw adi" transliterates to "yes no".

Umali kayo

"Umali kayo" is a Kankanaey sentence that transliterates to "You come." Figuratively, the sentence means "Welcome".

Farmers of Benguet are feeling unfortunate nowadays

Why should Benguet farmers feel sad nowadays?
1. The prices of vegetables are making them unable to recover their capitals for their crop. I feel sorry and pity the farmers because first class cabbages are bought by vegetable dealers at about 10 pesos per kilo. The famous Sayote (Chayote) is paid by vegetable at about 3 pesos per kilo. Almost all Benguet vegetables are paid at a price that is not commensurate to what is fair for the farmers. The irony is, when you get to buy vegetables at the market or department stores, the prices are about 5 times what the farmers are being paid. 
2. The routes that farmers follow to deliver their goods to the trading centers are with issues. Slides along the roads happen. In fact, one bridge is currently in a potential state of being closed for maintenance(Km 6 Balili bridge is wearing out. Heavy trucks are not allowed to pass thru the bridge.)

Saturday, July 13, 2019

"Be careful with what you wish for because. you might just get it"

Song lyrics and other media has this to say: "Be careful with what you wish for because you might just get it".
Wether coincidentally or not, it is true that some of what you wanted would happen for you.  The unfortunate thing is that it would happen with an unfavourable twist.  Regret is the recourse but life must go on.  Yes, BE CAREFUL!

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Is Getting Married A Requirement?

For people like me who remained single after living for 5 decades, you surely know the feeling of being asked the question "when will you have your day with a partner?". As early as 25  we tended to avoid family gatherings because we are always irritated to hear that question time and again from a relative or a guest. In fact, at times when you are obliged to be in a gathering, you encounter folks who border on reprimanding you for being single. Commonly cited reason for the demand for one to be married is for children, who will eventually take care of you, to exist.

At 50, I found myself so ill that I have to be in hospital care time and again. Having no children to give me the much needed assistance, must I told myself that I should have married and had children? The answer is NO. Luckily, I maintained a harmonious relationship with my siblings as well as people around me. There is no time when I needed assistance and no one was there. One, two, three or more have always been by my side. A sibling, a nephew, a niece, a cousin, a former classmate, someone has always been there. 

I am, then, thinking, may be having your own children is a plus. It is no requirement though as long as you live life while you give love and care to people who live with you. Just be in good terms to everyone, as in, everyone.