Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Nakakayang, a possibly offensive command uttered using the Ilocano language by public Utility Jeepney driver.

On a daily basis, I avail of the public utility jeepney transport service as I get to work here in Baguio City area. I am always sensitive to the space need of my co-passengers so I always sit with closed toes and legs.  On my ride from workplace to town today, my attention was strongly caught as I heard the driver of the jeepney yelled "E-den-den you man bassit ditoy, bawasan yo ti kayang yo!". I immediately made a check on how my seatmates are positioned and I saw that no one may be described as "naka-kayang". In the Ilocano lingo, "nakakayang" means seated with widely spread legs. Oh my, the handsome driver did not manifest a gentlemanly character when he arrogantly yelled "move a bit towards this side, lessen the way your legs are spread out." PUJ drivers may need a course on good manners and right conduct. Anyway, I am assuming that the cutie driver is just going through something today.  I hope to observe a better behavior from him next time. Yes, the handsome driver, who is simultaneously baby sitting a kid while driving, his boy kid is sitting beside the driver while the kid is enjoying a stick of street food, bought by the driver from the street vendor, before the driver entered the driver's post, does not look like he is a highlander.🙂

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