Saturday, May 22, 2021

Ed Atok (In Atok)

Ili ay en mi na-itago-an (Place where we began our life) Waday day dontog sin nanbinas-il (Mountains are situated by side) Boddos gumanabay sin dedeppas (Pine trees are growing where ravines are) Natapi-an si kallasan, bellang, ay id-idin ay ka-iw ono nabe-as (Together with endemic trees, grasses and other bushes) No sumalog ka sin guguwab din dodontog (If you trek down the mountains) Sawangem di kad-an din i-ib-a ay pumapapagey(You reach the abodes of our brethren who are planting rice) Sin guwab met lang di mula-an di lokto ya say kad-an di prutas(The lower ground are also where sweet potatoes and fruits are grown) Ad-ado di mangiballoy sin guguwab(Most of them at the lower area speak Ibaloy) Gumugitara da duwan laylayden da di nasili-an ay pangan(They play guitar and they prefer spicy food) Sin nan-na-ongdo abe yan lagdeng di sayote(A little higher than the lowest areas are places where Sayote are grown) Kinmanlapkap ay Sayote matamang sin ig-igid di dontog (Crawling Sayote can be seen covering the mountain sides) No sin tongdo pay et mula-an di patatas, lepolyo ya bobbolong (The top area is host to potatoes, cabbages and other green vegetables) Natapi-an si be-ey di nanninanatken ay sabong(Included are houses for various cutflowers) Okan di gaga-it ay Kumkan-Kankana-ey(Owned by fellows who are mostly Kankanaeys) Ngem edwani yan magay kanan (Though distinct groups can no longer be identified) Nantatapi ya mantitinnulong di Ka-kankanaey, I-ibaloy, I-Ilokano ya am-in ay poli (Kankanaeys, Ibaloy's, Ilocanos and other groups do teamwork) Halsema highway danan di America ed Atok(Halse a highway is the access road to Atok) No ka-anod kas nan Halsema highway (If you follow the path of Halsema highway) Nangawa-an di Tublay ya Buguias di parten di Atok ay nalaka ay datngan(The part of Atok that is acessible is between Tublay and Buguias)

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