Thursday, February 17, 2022

Dream for a Better Tomorrow

Some people are just lucky. They have nothing to worry about. They are comfortably positioned. They are enjoying a seat. Everything is easy for them. Here you are! You always start the day with the question. What problems are before me today? True enough, a queue of concerns are there to be faced. At times, you feel at fault when you have done nothing wrong in the first place. There is an endless list of pressure-causing concerns to address. You may entertain the thought of just giving up and let them be. Life should be fair. There must be a way out. Is there really no way for a good feeling of the day. Is there hope? Is there a better tomorrow? There must be! Affirm that you can be the architect of your state. Yes, yes, yes. There is a way and such way should be explored right now. Goodbye to the dream of a better tomorrow. Let the coming darkness be a sign of the end of the inequality. Welcome the better days.

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