Saturday, March 19, 2022


Into the world you were added as an INPUT, Then, you are through a usual algorithm for living, You learned the fundamentals of good living courtesy of the PARAMETERS from your family and environment, You got a formal education pioneered by the elementary school in your local community, You needed to move and hurdle the more challenging educational step courtesy of the high school institution that is accessible from home, You went on to earn a degree from the best university that your family was able to afford,
You had the capital to be engaged in a LOOP of productive work while you submitted your SPACE for continuous adjustment and improvement,
Later did you know that life’s algorithm has a step for reaping unfortunate and undesirable tokens,
Sadly, your body got a downgraded health quality as the worst, Then a degradation of your power to give service has come,
You tend to acknowledge that your PROCESS may have to end, You get into believing that your OUTPUT has been delivered, You tend to appreciate the word enough and that your life’s algorithm may be ready to HALT, You may yearn for more, you may desire for more, But you know that life's algorithm is FINITE, Afterall, FINITENESS is a quality of a good algorithm, Time has to come for you to go slow, Still, you may be able to control the EXECUTION duration of your life's algorithm, Giving the best care to yourself may be the key.
The time to rest may come in a far future, You really do not know, Final TERMINATION may depend on a power beyond your control, Oh yes, You know that processes are allowed outside and after the loop, You can stay longer, There may be more for your lif to run through.

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