Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Civil Service Employment Irony in the Philippines

In the Philippines, for one to be accepted as an employee in a government controlled office, one has to pass a quite challenging eligibility exam under the control of a government agency that is called the Civil Service Commission. Every government office employee is assigned a rank that is the basis for the employee's compensation as specified in a law. Getting a job that has the lowest rank that is usually mapped a minimum wage that is barely enough to support the simplest lifestyle of one individual requires passing the civil service eligibility exam. What seems absurd is that the committee in a municipal government office who subjects job applicants to stringent screening process is composed of elected officials who are not civili service eligibility exam passers. In fact, some municipal mayors (or even the president of the Republic!) who figuratively heads the committee is not a passer of the eligibility exam. Some municipal mayors and other elected officials are not even college or university degree holders. It is also a fact these elected offcials are receiving salaries that is more than 5 times higher than what the lowest rank government employee receives. Is it fair? Only in the Philippines?

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