Monday, November 21, 2022

Talking to Self (Re. Philippine Economic Situation)

The Philippine government outstanding debt to date is about 13 trillion pesos. Such amount is almost impossible to account by any matured Filipino citizen. Overwhleming Amount! Given that many essential needs are out of reach for citizens who have been in need, where has the amount gone? It seems the amount is never enough for the citizens ion need to get a bit of alleviation. If this is the case, isn't it best if government should stop borrowing funds and let life be what it used to be. Obviously, many are able afterall. If we look at how everyone is spending for the costly christmas gimmicks this season, is it not telling of an abundance of fund for the many. Parks are transformed into christmas villages where obviously expensive setup are on and many are spending just to experience the temporary mood. Who need funds if the setups were premised on logical thinking and wise spending. Maybe, it is best if the government should stop borrowing funds. ENoguh fund may be in and it may be a matter of making proper spending and investment. Please free every citizen from an automatic debt that they would never spend for their own.

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