Tuesday, November 28, 2023


Man-anido is a Kankanaey word that refers to the act of going/gathering infront a fireplace during a cold weather in order to benefit from the heat emitted by the fire.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Kalabbew (Pomelo)

Being Kankanaey speakers, during our childhood, we call the fruit Kalabbew. later did I know that the fruit is referred to as Pomelo. I saw this Poemel tree in a seminary compound near my workplace within Baguio City. It is amazing that it has several fruits. I am not sure if the fruits will eventually be harvested.

Tomato fruit at Macbas, Atok, Benguet

In collaboration with some Japanes Researchers, my brother tested growing tomatoes in our hometown. Our homewtown is the coldest part of the Philippines. Temperature can go as low as 7 degrees Celsius on some days of the year. The tomatoes were then planted in a green house in order to provide some control on the temperature. After about 5 months, harvest happened. Some fruits are bigger that the usual size of a tamoto fruit. In fact, a piece is about 500 grams. I personally call the tomato APPLE TOMATO. It's taste is close to the taste of an apple.

(Literal Translation of an Ibaloi song that I heard online on Mother’s Day)

Ever since I was a baby. My mama was not on my side. It’s because of her work in a place that is far away. She said it is for our life to be better. I cannot forget when I bid goodbye. I was so devastated. I have been counting the hours, since you have left me to fall. I cannot account the number of years that has passed. Mama, when will you be, be returned here beside us? Mama, please come home. I missed you so much. My father, he has been whom I have been with. He was the one who became my mother. He has been accompanying me, he has been watching over me, until these days when I am a grown-up. I have envied other kids. They have been with their mother and father. But my father said, my child, do not worry. We will be complete just the same. Mama, when will you be, be returned here beside us? Mama, please come home. I missed you so much. Mama, when will you be, be returned here beside us? Mama, please come home. I missed you so much. I missed you so much.