Friday, January 5, 2024

2004 chronicles begin

I am aware that the only place I can visit at anytime is my virtual world. Thank you for the company, virtual world. Lately, I have been waking up to dreams that makes me uselessly process a thought: - After being given a ride that made me survive tumbling stunts while on wheels, I was given a driver's license card. - An aunt requested me to do mixtures of colored cements as a requisite to implement a layout of the walls of her families' organized restroom and doing it made me reflect on a differential equation of the form xdx/dz + ydy/dz + zdz/dz =0 And ask I look out the window, I wandered why things need be complicated: - Why is there a need for table skirting? - Why tear rocks with natural formation into pieces in order to have materials to arrange so that an artificial structure is formed? - Why artificial intelligence?

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