Sunday, September 4, 2011

Brilliant idea arising from a teacher's remark.

Mentor: I really hope that you will consider taking our lessons seriously.
You have not been performing well in the previous examinations.

Students: (Very quiet)

Mentor: Where are your minds?

Students: (Still quiet staring blankly on the board."

Mentor: Is it because you are aware that there will be shortage in rice supply in about five years in our country due to the overpopulation problem, so, rather than learning programming you want to head back home in the countryside and start to learn farming instead?

Okay! Let's continue with our lessons.

We will try to do more programs.

Let us write a program for checking whether a string is a palindrome or not.

Do you know what a palindrome is?

Students: (Still very quiet)

A palindrome is a string ( or a sequence of letters ) that reads the same when you read from left to right as when you read from right to left.

Will you check your name, is it a palindrome? If your name is ANA, then your name is a palindrome.

Student: I have another example of a palindrome.

Mentor: Great! What is it?


Mentor. I knew it! Your mind is really in the country side. Kidding aside, NASABAYABASAN is in fact a palindrome. Is it not, class.

Students: Almost everyone happily said. Yes sir!

Mentors' reflection:
August is guava season in the Philippines and it's the time for kids to frequent the outskirts where guava's are. NASABAYABASAN, which literally translates to "in the guava plantation area" is a perfect example of a palindrome from a kid who is putting theory in sync with his/her experience.

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