Saturday, November 19, 2011

Height of Poverty in the Philippines

Every Filipino is envious of Manny Pacquiao's fortune. The news about Manny's financial gain every time he gets into a tournament makes every Filipino wish for the same fate.

While Manny makes a million dollar looks like it is a penny, several Filipinos are ready to die just so they can earn enough for a day's meal. Several are hoping that they can be next Manny Pacquiao's face-off in the ring. Never mind if Manny gets their faces black and blue, never mind if Manny would knock them down, never mind if they are not given the same amount of dollars as Marquez, Cotto, Morales and the like. A thousand dollars can make them live better.

Many are saying, please!!!, let me be the next subject of Manny Pacquiao in that boxing ring and pay me a few thousand dollars.

Is it possible?

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