Sunday, March 15, 2020

Itil in Kankana-ey: What happens when a Kankana-ey person, who does not have any background nor a regard to English phonology, reads the word ethyl?

Today, I saw on social media, a funny video of a Kankana-ey lad, who is obviously very proud of his Kankana-ey roots even if his looks is not far from that of a teenage hollywood star. The video is intended to highlight the wrongdoing of buying more alcohol than necessary during this time when the nation is facing a pandemic crisis.

Kankana-ey people tend to pronounce  the "th" in a way such that the h is nonexistent.  In addition, e may be prounounced as long e. Hence, ethyl would sound "itil". The problem is, in the Kankana-ey language, "itil" refers to a sensitive part of a female's body. "itil" is actually referring to the female organ.

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