Thursday, June 4, 2020

language versus dialect

Any medium of communication is a language. A dialect is a variation of a language that is usually caused by the different geographical locations of the speakers. The Kankanaey language is spoken in different provinces of the Cordillera Administrative Region of the Philippines. It is observable that there are differences in the way the language is used by people from the different provinces.  In fact, there are differences in the way Kankanaey is spoken within different municipalities in the same province. For instance, Kankanaey people of Kapangan Benguet say "Na-uwatak." to mean "I am hungry" while Kankanaey people of Atok and Buguias Benguet say "Mandaga-angak." to mean the same. Kankanaey people of Atok Benguet say "Magay pilak ko." to mean "I have no money." while Kankanaey people of Mankayan Benguet and some Kankanaey people from yhe Mountain Province say "Ma-id siping ko." to mean the same. Therefore, although no formal documentation may say so, it is theoretically correct to say Kankanaey is a language and Kankanaey has dialects.

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