Saturday, November 14, 2020

Kankanaey Language Fundamentals.

When studying any language for the first time, one may have to use as framework what had been established as Parts of speech.

1. Noun: Nouns are names-Every name is a noun so they say. A person's name, a name assigned to a place or a name given to a pet are proper nouns. Some names are called common nouns. Then, the following are examples of nouns in the Kankanaey language(or  may be a dialect).




be-ey(or ba-ey)=house


2. Pronouns: Pronouns are substitute words for nouns. The following are examples of pronouns in a Kankana-ey dialect.

sik-a =singular you

dakayo = plural you

sak-en = I/me

da'kami = we



3. Adjective: Adjectives are words that describe a noun. The following are examples of adjectives in a Kankanaey Dialect.

daan(stress in da)=da'an = old

nabanol = expensive

mapmapteng = nice/beautiful

law'lawa = ugly

ando = long

aptik = short

nagaget = industrious

mabikas = strong

4. Verb: Verbs are action words. The following are examples of verbs in a Kankanaey dialect.

mangan = to eat

mandan (mandad-an) = to walk/ to pass by

man-obla = to work

man-ames' = to take a bath

manla'ko = to buy

mankali' = to talk

tumokdo = to sit down

pumika = to stand up

5. Adverbs: Adverbs describe a verb. The following phrases demonstrate how adverbs in a Kankanaey dialect are used.

mangan AY DAGOS = to eat IMMEDIATELY

KAKAkakan = eat fast

KAdad-a-dad-an = walk hurriedly

KAlako = bought immediately

PASPAS ay mankali = talk FASTLY

KA-kali' = talked suddenly/talked immediately

KAtokdo = sit immediately

KApika = stand up immediately

6. Preposition: Prepositions show relation of words. For examples,

SIN NGWAB di  be-ey = BELOW the house.

SIN NA-UNGDOn di kalsada = ABOVE the road

ED ili mi = IN our place/ IN our hometown

ED BAS-IL( ED NABAS-IL)= On the other side

7. Conjunction: Conjunctions join words. For example.

Sik-a YA sak-en = You AND I

Mangan ka ONO man-ames ka nin?  = Are you eating OR you will take a bath first?

Nabbay da TAN nan-obla da. = They are tired BECAUSE they worked.

8. Interjection: Interjections are expressions that express surprise or pain. For example,

Annay! = Ouch!


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