Monday, November 2, 2020

Prayer after the strong typhoon

A super typhoon called Rolly (international name=Goni) just got through the Philippine area of responsibility.  It is unfortunate that many precious lives were lost.  Shelters and sources of food are destroyed.  A cry for help is all we can do.

Still, Thank You Lord for sparing many of us. We pray for your assistance for the less fortunate.  May each of those affected follow your lead and may they feel secured and able the soonest. 

Whatever purposes are in these eventualities, may we get them and may You let us continue with the lives that You want us to nurture.

We trust You Lord.  We always seek your intervention.

Forgive us from doing the wrong.

Thank You oyr dear Lord.

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Nandan di napigsa ay pewek ay Rolly ngadan na sinan ili mi ay Pilipinas. Goni inpangadan da para sin amin ay lobong. Kase-seg-ang tan ad-ado ay biyag di nadag-os na. Pati be-ey ya kapu-an di makan yan nadada-el. Enggay wat adawag en sik-a ay Apo Diyos mi, di kaya mi ay amagen.

Salamat pay kayman ta ad-ado kami ay laton pay.  Apo Diyos mi, mankalalag kami ya mankedaw kami si tulong mo para sin i-ib-a mi ya odom ay ipugaw ay kinma-asi. Sapay koma ta esa ya mangila si itdom ay onodan da ta waday iyat da a bumikas ya mantuloy ay ma-biyag si laydem ay ma-iyat.

No waday laydem ay ma-adal mi sinan na-amag ay ligat, tulong mo pay dedan di kedawen mi ta ma-awatan mi. Sik-a pay didan di tangaden mi ay mangitdo si onodan mi ay danan, ta matuloy din laydem ay biyag mi.

Sik-a pay didan di pantalekan mi. Kanayon kami ay mankedaw si tulong mo. Uway ka koma ay mangisikkil sin laydem ay amagen mi no ma-ilam ay natken di engkami am-amagen.

Pakawanem dakami sin baken osto ay inamag ono an-amagen mi.

Salamat Apo Diyos mi.

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