Wednesday, September 29, 2021


Many are joining the creative industry consciously in unconsciously. When you post something on social media as your way of abstractly communicating your current state of mind, is that not art?

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

NONSENSE feeling of the day: SO STRESSED, SEEMINGLY VERY TIRED, and FEELING UNPRODUCTIVE because NEGATIVE concerns are brought to your attention one after another? Well! Just think that NEGATIVE is better than POSITIVE nowadays :(

Financial-related burdens nowadays.

1. You have to pay your annual dues for a credit card issued to you. The sad part is, you never used the credit card because you are supposedly a wise spender( Do not spend today what you will earn tomorrow). You cannot abandon the credit card because you are anticipating that an important future transaction will need the card. 2. Because you are required to use the electronic payment platforms, you need to buy money so you can make a payment to another party.

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Adawag di oblantes

Inagsapa yan masapa at manlugi. ( We start early every morning) Ad-ado di ipa-amag da. ( They gave us a lot to do) Kaman adi kaya ay ikdeng. ( It seems impossible to complete) Iyat si sangbo-sangbot. ( Work is always being rushed) No masdem yan pag tan nabbay.( Tiredness is felt every afternoon.) Duwan an-anusan, (Patience is always extended) tan siya ngin di na-ibatogan.( because that may be what is meant for us)

Saturday, September 25, 2021


tapi (Kankanaey) = add, additional tapi-an = add some more man'tapi' = to add some more nata'pi'an' = has been added with some more nantatapi' = mixed matapi-an = will be added with some more

am-amin, amin

am-amin(Kankanaey)= everything, all, everyone am-amin da = all of them amin da = all of them Indawat da amin. = They gave everything. Na-idawat amin. = Everything was given. Na-idawtan amin. Everyone was given.

Friday, September 24, 2021

Benguet COVID Situation as of 23 September 2021

Kananda en 438 di natey. ( They said that 438 died) 15012 di amin ay nansakit begew si COVID19. ( 15012 is the total of those who got sick because of COVID19) 11514 di enggay na-agasan. (11514 recovered from the sickness) 3060 di naneng ay mansaksakit. (3060 are still sick) Maseg-ang koma si Apo Dios. (Hoping that God will have mercy) Usto koma adi. (Hope that is enough.) Ngem, esa ya mang-set koma didan si awak na. (But, each one should take care of himself/herself.) Tan din kanan da man yan. (Because like what they are saying.) Wadan Apo Dios di Asi. (The Lord have mercy) Wada sin ipugaw di amag. (The person does the work.)

Tuesday, September 21, 2021


kinma-an (Kankanaey Dialect) = left/ went away


bumang-ag ( Kankanaey ) = causes insanity/ inducer of craziness


naki-Diyos (Kankanaey) = died and joined the Lord


nat-nga (Kankanaey) = caught by surprise

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Kankanaey terms for body discomfort

mankedked di toktok = having a headache natungila/mansana-ang di eges = having acid reflux linmadag di siki = having a swollen feet/foot man-atong di awak = having a fever man-ok-ok = having cough man-kiyes = having severe cough nasa-ek = having a sore throat leading to difficulty in speech/talking

Friday, September 17, 2021


Naku'long ( Kankanaey ) Locked down.

Matago-tago tako

Matago-tago tako(Kankanaey). Long-live. We will survive.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Adi kakali-an

Adi kakali-an(Kankanaey) stubborn, does not listen


mansese-ed(Kankanaey) waiting

en nakibadang

en nakibadang(Kankanaey) went to help

Monday, September 6, 2021

Asi tako kod man-aabot si bibigat.

Asi tako kod ma-aabot si bibigat.(Kankanaey) Let us just meet up one if these days.

Pag tako kayman pa-ag-agayaen ay man-obla.

Pag tako kayman pa-ag-agayaen ay man-obla.(Kankanaey) We are always being frugal doing work.

Yan dakayo pay, sinoy madamag?

Yan dakayo pay, sinoy madamag?(Kankanaey) How about you, what can I hear from you?

Ad-ado di nasangawak.

Ad-ado di nasa'nga'wa'k.(Kankanaey) I had to attend to several matters. / Several matters that I needed to address came along my way.

Na-eyak kasin.

Na-eyak kasin.(Kankanaey) Here I am again./ I am here again.

Kankanaey Sentence for today

Na-eyak kasin. I am here again./ Here am I again