Friday, September 24, 2021

Benguet COVID Situation as of 23 September 2021

Kananda en 438 di natey. ( They said that 438 died) 15012 di amin ay nansakit begew si COVID19. ( 15012 is the total of those who got sick because of COVID19) 11514 di enggay na-agasan. (11514 recovered from the sickness) 3060 di naneng ay mansaksakit. (3060 are still sick) Maseg-ang koma si Apo Dios. (Hoping that God will have mercy) Usto koma adi. (Hope that is enough.) Ngem, esa ya mang-set koma didan si awak na. (But, each one should take care of himself/herself.) Tan din kanan da man yan. (Because like what they are saying.) Wadan Apo Dios di Asi. (The Lord have mercy) Wada sin ipugaw di amag. (The person does the work.)

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