Friday, May 19, 2023

Philippine Educational System Concern

What is a new theory in education that changed the learning landscape in the elementary and secondary level? In our generation(80's to 90's), we are able to balance school and home chores. Then, school works are doable in the school campus and that school works done at home would only come once in a while. Then, we have more time to help much in domestic chores. Then, we have fun helping our parents in what they do. Then, our parents are our effective teachers on good manners, social involvement either by way of informal lessons or actual observations. Then, after the secondary school, we go to the university with strong foundation in all aspects and that we are able to survive university/college life on our own. Nowadays, it seems every hour of everyday is spent by the elementary and secondary student to do school work. Supposedly, it is then expected that they are better prepared for the university life. Hell no! In general BIG NO. How come? Something may be wrong.

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