Sunday, November 25, 2012

What is making the poor Filipino feel sad?

According to the news on TV, the DSWD will collect children who will be seen doing money making ventures on the street. The premise is that parents should not allow their children to work. Fair? The thing is there are so many of them, for sure. Some have no choice in the first place yet some are really products of irresponsible parenthood. How much money will the government have to spend and in turn encourage irresponsible parents to multiply. It seems some will feel comfortable in making the irresponsible decision of manufacturing babies. Why worry when there is DSWD. I hope the government will seriously consider their role. Besides, if we only listen to th testimonies of our elders, most of them would say, they have reached their current state because they have been wise, as in tey have subjected themselves to labor, even before finishing elementary school. There shoud be nothing wrong with Filipino kids being "madiskarte" as long as they do not violate the rights of others.

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