Friday, January 31, 2020

Naket-eng is the Kankana-ey word for aged.

"Naket-eng ka la?"= Are you already of age?
"Kaman naket-eng nan bosa-ang ya?"=It seems this pig  is old, is it?

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Ka-e-egyat is a Kankanaey word which means "scarry".

egyat = (noun) scare
na-e-egyatan = adjective for a person who is easily scared.
inmegyat = adjective for a person who felt scared.
egyaten = to scare (verb)

Sunday, January 26, 2020

tong-eh is a Kankanaey word in central Buguias. tong-eh's closest translation as I uderstood is "usual companion".

"Sake-en din ma-i-tong-eh-tong-eh en tatang ko sin ka-an-anak ko." = "I was my father's usual companion in his errands when I was a kid."

Mt. Pulag is the second highest mountain in the Philippines.

Mt Pulag's access may be its location somewhere in Kabayan, Benguet. I understand, its foot may be reached somewhere in the boundary of Bokod, Benguet and Kayapa, Nueva Vizcaya. You may have a glimpse of the mountain's peak from afar while you are in km 49 to 53 of the Halsema Highway  in Atok, Benguet When you are somewhere in Km 70's of the same highway  in Buguias, Benguet or while you are in Loo Buguias, Benguet, a mystic view of the mountain's neighborhood is amazing.

Friday, January 24, 2020


Akgo is an indigenous food container that is made by weaving thin strips of bamboo barks. The tray is traditionally used to serve boiled sweet potato during a meal in a traditional home in the province of Benguet, Philippines.


Saklong is an indigenous wooden scoop used as a utensil for fetching soup from pots or a serving bowl in a traditional home of ancestors ib Benguet, Philippines. The serving bowl is called Duyo.


Kayabang is the name of an indigenously crafted pyramidical basket, used for transporting goods from and to the farms, carried through the back with an achor to the forehead, commonly by women, in the outskirts of Benguet, Philippines. The anchor is called apid.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Platform Technologies

Activities in our world nowadays are facilitated by computing technology. In contrast, most activities in the past were made possible through manual labor. Talk about playing basketball: In the past, basketball is meaningful only with a ground where a court together with a ring anchored on a post are setup. Today, basketball happens with the computer screen through the aid of gaming technologies. In the past, socialization with acquaintances is meaning only when you meet in a place. Today, socialization may happen with the aid of social media technologies that are utulized through the inhelp of the internet. In the immediate past, computer-based activities were possoble through computer units that are strategically housed within buildings. Today, the mobile platform allows mobile cocomputing. Indeed, there are a lot of technology-aided platforms. In fact, eating platforms are on the rise. However, the human body is still the same, caring and nurting the human body requires the same actions as it was then. Hygienic utensils are necessary.


Kankana-ey for forgotten.
Synonyms: Naliw-an, liniw-an, niliw-an.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Enggay pay tan. (When do you hear such a Kankanaey phrase? Answer: Commonly during Personal Moments)

This is the moment: Moment to accept that I was not born to be a part of the academe, moment to realize that I am not a qualified university lecturer as I thought I am. I do not have what it takes to stay longer, I know. For one, university teaching presupposes that I have all the power, time and resources to prepare very elaborated documents as ordered by the elite members of my institution. Templates are made available but such templates were written using propriety software/tools and I do not have the means to easily possess the much needed licensed copies. Should I defy copyright laws to be able to work at home as they are expecting? I promise not to.

Gone were the days when a course syllabus is brief, readable, functional yet complete. Gone were the days when spontaneous creativity while teaching is the norm. Gone were the days when staying in the university is "life".

Computer System-based attendance recording is a breakthrough and understandably a best practice. However, the system at work allows recording of absence only during the day of absence. You cannot postpone data entry for the next day as the supposed "set date" button is disabled. Is it just a glitch? If it is meant that way, is it justified to allocate some minutes of the period for making a system recording instead of maximizing the time for facilitating other activities in the classroom. What if connectivity is difficult as it is usually the case in the lecture rooms.

Of course, it's my work. I should find ways.

Many are called but only a few are chosen, so they say. I am trying! Again, I am trying to find ways. Please bear with me for some time. In my little way, I further promise to ensure that my clients who are clients of my institution will benefit from my extended stay. Yes, minuscule worth but it may be sufficient. #FeelingWorthless

Kankana-ey Friend: "Eng-gay pay tan!"
Tagalog Friend: "Ginusto mo yan"
Ilocano Friend: "Basol ko pay ngarud"
Ibaloi Friend: "Sus, aishe mangoy bibiyang ko."
True Friend: "Enta kitdi ag-kape!"