Monday, January 20, 2020

Platform Technologies

Activities in our world nowadays are facilitated by computing technology. In contrast, most activities in the past were made possible through manual labor. Talk about playing basketball: In the past, basketball is meaningful only with a ground where a court together with a ring anchored on a post are setup. Today, basketball happens with the computer screen through the aid of gaming technologies. In the past, socialization with acquaintances is meaning only when you meet in a place. Today, socialization may happen with the aid of social media technologies that are utulized through the inhelp of the internet. In the immediate past, computer-based activities were possoble through computer units that are strategically housed within buildings. Today, the mobile platform allows mobile cocomputing. Indeed, there are a lot of technology-aided platforms. In fact, eating platforms are on the rise. However, the human body is still the same, caring and nurting the human body requires the same actions as it was then. Hygienic utensils are necessary.

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