Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Interpretation of Dreams

Probable Interpretations of Dreams: 1. Dream about FALLING = Something isn’t going well about a choice that you have made/done. 2. Dream about BEING NAKED in public = You have an imperfection or a shortcoming that you do not want to reveal. 3. Dream about BEING CHASED BY AN ANIMAL = You are hiding something about yourself or you have a passion that you are still trying to work around. 4. Dream about BEING CHASED BY AN UNKNOWN BODY = You have gone through a traumatic experience that you haven’t outgrown. 5. Dream about BEING CHASED BY THE OPPOSITE SEX = You are not ready to LOVE or you have a past relationship that did not happen as you wanted. 6. Dream about LOSING A TOOTH = You are worrying about being unlikable or you are worrying that you will not get through a plan or a goal. 7. Dream about DEATH = You are worrying about what tomorrow brings. The uncertainty of what happens as time passes by is making you worry. 8. Dream about TAKING A TEST = You have fear of failure. 9. Dream about INFEDILITY = You are not getting what you are expecting from a relationship. 10. Dream about FLYING = You have the desire to be free from a reality or you want to escape from a social norm.

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